Terra Santa College Amman
In 1948 the Arab-Israeli conflict broke out, hence the disturbance of security, which led to a disruption of tuition in Terra Santa – Jerusalem, the friars didn’t hesitate to move to the East Bank of Jordan. They headed towards the capital, Amman, to establish another branch for Terra Santa, motivated by the great concern about their children in order to avoid losing an academic year. Thus, they rented a building in Jabel Amman owned by Mr. Tawfiq Marar, which is currently occupied by the Indian Embassy, starting their teaching mission in the year 1948 – 1949. This was limited to the secondary stage only.
That same year, The Franciscan Friars purchased a piece of land in Jabel Al Weibdeh, on which they established Terra Santa College of Amman.
In 1949 – 1950 the college started receiving its students in the new building. Thus, Terra Santa – Amman, became a natural extension of the mother school. Terra Santa of Jerusalem, and now, after 67 years, Terra Santa – Amman has become a fountain of science and knowledge in Jordan and one of the most remarkable educational and scientific institutions, thus graduating a number of leaders in Jordan.
Terra Santa has contributed significantly to developing education in this country and that represented a great challenge among the other flourishing institutions in number and quality. Hence, the great efforts shown by the friars and the industrious work to develop their school. In the 1960’s the first and second floors on the eastern side were added to accommodate the increasing numbers of students. Then, in the 1980’s the church was built. In the year 1992 – 1993 the kindergarten sections were established. to be followed in 1998 by Terra Sancta cultural center, a treat offered by the Franciscan Custody in Jerusalem to our college in Amman, on the occasion of its golden jubilee. In 2011 Terra Santa College sports center was inaugurated. It includes an indoors hall for sports in addition to outdoor play grounds.
This spirit which enveloped the work of the Franciscan friars, demonstrated by the sacrifice and generosity has always motivated us to sustain the message we adopted in Terra Santa schools, which is translated into building the outstanding person in values, knowledge and faith in God and their allegiance to their country.
This required the development of all the aspects of the process of education, in addition to renovating the facilities of the college to keep pace with the modern requirements.
Since over a decade, the administration has been working on developing the academic programs, implementing modern measures in education, introducing technology, developing teachers through training courses, improving the school’s facilities through continuous maintenance and reconditioning of all its sections by providing the essential facilities equipped with the most modern technology that develop the academic achievement of our students .
This, in addition to the enormous, varied number of extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, drama, scout, exhibitions and scientific tournaments and events that cover the various occasions and religious festivals and country ceremonies in addition to students’ festivities.
Moreover, our college has applied diverse programs such as voluntary work, the national health accreditation programme and others which aim at developing a humanitarian and spiritual sense among our students which ensures openness to other cultures, and a better belief in the values of cooperation, solidarity, brotherhood, and love amongst mankind.
Nowadays, among more than 600 private schools in Amman, our college is exerting the utmost efforts, supported by the custody of the Holy Land and in cooperation with the whole stuff of our school, to establish within the proper vision the best reputation in our society. Constructing a new building in order to resume the international educational programme ( I.G.C.S.E ) in addition to offering a distinctive service to our students based on belief that human being is a unique valuable asset. We are proud to offer this mission based on the Christian- Franciscan spirit.